- 单词发音:英 [ hænd həuld ]
- 基本解释:手把
- hand hold 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 手把
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- Research on hand hold ultrasonic thickness gauge
- The resulting form creates a comfortable hand hold.
- Keep one hand on your bowl.Hold your bowl with your hand.
- His hand hold knife, hand takes the flesh, go on the street.
- I used hand to hold the flash, and right hand holding my camera.
我左手拿闪灯, 右手拿着一公斤半相机和镜头。
- To hold my hand drench the rain, hold hands with your footsteps.
牵我的手淋著小雨, 牵你的手跟你脚步。
- Hand the bottle to your client and have them hold it near the hand cradle.
- Hold the bowl with one hand while eating with your spoon with the other hand.
用勺子盛饭得时候, 用另一只手扶着碗。
- On hand to hold the edge of bra. And another hand to press fat into bra from back and armpit.
一手托住内衣下缘固定, 另一手将背后, 下的脂肪拨入罩杯内。
- When you have western food, which hand do you use to hold the knife and which hand do you use to hold the fork?
吃西餐时, 哪只手拿刀, 哪只手拿叉?