• 基本解释:霍卡
  • Hocká 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 霍茨卡
  • High Orbital Bombardment System,高空轨道轰炸系统


  • hock 抵押,[贸易] 典当
  • chock 木楔
  • shock 震惊,打击
  • hocks (犬、马等后腿的)跗关节,(鸡的)腿关节( hock的名词复数 )
  • shocks 震动( shock的名词复数 )
  • hocked 典当( hock的过去式和过去分词 )
  • chocked 楔( chock的过去式和过去分词 )
  • hocking 典当( hock的现在分词 )
  • chocking 楔( chock的现在分词 )
  • aftershocks 余震( aftershock的名词复数 )


Hocká 相关例句更多>

  • The hock of a horse or other animal.
  • if there is a real 8th popshop , i will hock my appendix!
    如果真的有8号当铺, 我会当掉我的阑尾!
  • From hip to hock long and sinewy, hock to pad short and strong.
  • Angulation at the stifle and hock are in proportion to the forequarters.
    后膝关节呈合适的角度, 而且飞节与后躯的比例恰当。
  • Ample bone, strong and flexible, moderately angulated at stifle and hock.
  • The bones from the hocks to the pads are short with a well angulated hock joint.
  • This produces a moderate degree of angulation in the hock joint, when viewed from the side.
    从旁边看, 飞节关节连结成一个的稳健角度。
  • The hock joint slightly rounded, should not be small and sharp in contour, moderately angulated.
  • Ladies and Gentlemen, Teo Beng Hock went into MACC HQ on Wednesday and he was found dead in the HQ on the afternoon of the next day!
  • Split the hide from the dewclaws down the leg to the hock and over the rear of the round to a point about 6 inches below the hock and remove the hide from each hind leg.




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