• 单词发音:英 [ hɔp in ] 美 [ hɑp ɪn ]
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  • We flew from London to Bombay in one hop.
  • I've never given anyone a lift, but you hop in!
    我从来不让任何人搭车, 可是你上车吧。
  • Can you give me a ride to the airport Sure, hop in.
    可以载我一段去机场吗 没问题,快上车吧。
  • Now what do you say we hop in the backseat and see what happens?
  • Detection and Sequence Analysis of Hop stunt viroid in Apricot and Plum
  • We go out there and we hop in our cars and we drive from place to place.
    我们外出时会一跃而进我们的爱车 然后驾车去往目的地
  • Kuan Meng treated with the Hop in order to achieve the just right and the state.
    宽与猛对待的和合, 才能达到恰到好处的和的境界。
  • Bloggs, you'll be waiting at the ticket barrier at crewe, just in case Faber decides to hop off there.
  • Hop on a tuk-tuk to the Friendship Bridge across the Mekong, and, after completing border formalities, take one of the plentiful taxis to reach Vientiane in time for a leisurely breakfast.




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