• 基本解释:法布里斯(男子名)
  • Fabrice 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 法布里斯(男子名)

Fabrice 相关例句更多>

  • zhe jiang is abundant in weaving fabrice, especial for jacquard!
    浙江拥有丰富的织造面料, 尤其是提花面料。
  • Fabrice, an average middle manager, is the ultimate fan of Johnny Hallyday.
    任职中层管理的? ? 斯? ? 是歌手尊尼。雅莱特的终极拥趸。
  • The wavers tried their best to upgrade their fabrice to the need of their clients.
  • Due to time send top with all actual trims, labels, fabrice wash, to spec for approval.
    因为时间关系, 请把上衣与所有辅料一起寄过来一起确认。




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