• 单词发音:英 [ ˈfeiljə taim ] 美 [ ˈfeljɚ taɪm ]
  • 基本解释:[计]故障时间
  • failure time 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [计]故障时间

包含failure time的短语更多>

failure time 相关例句更多>

  • main fun first failure time
  • Logon failure account logon time restriction violation.
  • This time he is going to do his utmost to make amends for the failure last time.
  • Failure to meet the above criteria, please cast your resume carefully and not waste their time!
    如不符合以上条件, 请慎投简历, 不要浪费彼此的时间!
  • We have to cancel the order on account of your failure to ship the goods within the specific time.
    由于贵方未曾在规定期限内装货, 我方不得不撤销定单。
  • Research on the Relation Between the Failure Time and the Stress Levels of Tensile Creep of Concrete
  • Several milliseconds of processing time are normally left, by the time the power failure is detected.
    在掉电检出时, 通常留有几个毫秒的处理时间。
  • Dad blamed the failure for my negligent way of studing, while Mum consoled me the thought that I could do better next time.
  • The model of the failure probability distribution was obtained by applying total failure time method for the numerical control punch.
  • Failure to make the claim at the time of filing the application or to submit the certified document within the time limit shall lead to forfeiture of the priority.




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