• 基本解释:家庭感情
  • familial affection 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 家庭感情

familial affection 相关例句更多>

  • Emotion is nothing more than familial affection, friendship and love.
  • I wish that my love and friendship will be as eternal as the familial affection.
    希望我的爱情, 友情能够天长地久, 就像亲情一样永恒。
  • Ah, familial affection! What kind of affinity was it that brought them together to this world
    亲情, 这种来到人间, 到底是怎麽来结在一起的缘?
  • some idioms about familial affection Where we love is home, home that our feet ma y leave, but not our hearts.




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