• 单词发音:英 [ i:tʃ wei ] 美 [ itʃ we ]
  • 基本解释:得胜的,获得前三名之一的(赛马或赛狗)
  • each way 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 形容词(adj.) 得胜的,获得前三名之一的(赛马或赛狗)

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  • weekend surcharge fri , sat , sun 50 each way
  • My commute is very short - 2.5 miles each way.
  • If we love each other with such hurtful way. well then I accompany you.
  • Since electron repel each other, they tend to keep out of each other's way.
    因为电子彼此排斥, 它们倾向于彼此回避。
  • What are the benefits of each way and which one do you think is more effective
  • Each blows his own bugle and sings his own tune each does things in his own way.
  • I think that can change the way we believe in each other and each other's potential.
    我想那就能改变我们互信的方式 以及相互的潜力
  • Each of the six bridges on the West Causeway has its own form and each is graceful in its own way.
    堤上六座桥, 造型互异, 婀娜多姿。
  • How about meeting each other half way and each makes a further concession so that business can be concluded?
    各方都再让一半, 生意就能成交了。
  • I prefer to take the subway to and from work. It just takes me 20 minutes each way and I can read some books.




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