• 单词发音:英 [ fjuəl dʒet ] 美 [ ˈfjuəl dʒɛt ]
  • 基本解释:燃油喷射
  • fuel jet 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 燃油喷射

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fuel jet 相关例句更多>

  • The Fuel Surcharge depends on the actual price for jet fuel.
  • A measure of the burning cleanliness of jet fuel and kerosine.
  • Further opening the throttle valve activated the main fuel jet.
    当节流阀进一步打开时, 主喷口开始工作。
  • I hear the fuel of jet aircraft and white spirit are same, we are drunk bit.
    我听说喷气式飞机的燃料和白酒一样, 我们喝点儿吧。
  • Then, two people take out fuel from jet aircraft tank, drank as drunk as a sow.
    于是, 两个人从喷气式飞机油箱取出燃料, 喝了个酩酊大醉。
  • Initially, algae oil will comprise only about half the mixture used for jet fuel.
  • Flame deformation and entrainment associated with an isothermal transverse fuel jet
  • It provides an important basis for accurately determining if oil tank truck pollutes jet fuel.
  • Thermal Oxidation Mechanism of Jet Fuel and Research Advance of Additives Improving Oxidative Stability
  • Brazilian officials said the debris including metal fragments , plane seats as well as the jet fuel slick.
    巴西官员称残骸包括金属碎片, 飞机座位和漏的燃油。




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