- 基本解释:Intergovernment Copyright Committee (联合国)政府间版权委员会
- IGC 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) Intergovernment Copyright Committee (联合国)政府间版权委员会
- IGC 大小写变形: igc
- igc intellectually gifted children 智力天才儿童
- FIGC Federazione Italiana Gioco Calcio (Italian=ltalian Football Federation) (意大利语)意大利足球协会
- IGCA Industrial Gas Cleaning Association 工业气体清理协会
- IGCC integrated combined cycle 综合联合循环
- IGCI Industrial Gas Cleaning Institute 工业气体净化研究所
- IGCM Incorporated Guild of Church Musicians 教堂音乐家联合行会
- IGCS integrated guidance and control system 综合制导与控制系统
- igce independent government cost estimate 独立政府成本估计
- FIGCM Fellow of the Incorporated Guild of Church Musicians 教堂音乐家统一协会会员
IGC 相关例句更多>
- They affirmed that the work of and powers enjoyed by the IGC would be closely followed.