• 基本解释:坚强的立场
  • hard stand 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 硬地面
  • 停机坪

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hard stand 相关例句更多>

  • Able to and stand hard and adaptable.
    能吃苦耐劳, 适应能力强。
  • and fell pretty hard into a perfume stand.
  • He is afraid to stand on the hard earth like a brave Indian.
  • Some animals really stand out from the rest and are hard to classify.
    有些动物与别不同, 确实别具一格, 而且很难给他们分门别类。
  • Even after a hard lick, he can stand right back up and continue fighting.
  • Able to and stand hard, tenacious perseverance, good communication and teamwork.
    能够吃苦耐劳,坚韧执着 ,善于沟通,团队合作。
  • guys , Decadence has been over the past , please stand up , you must study hard and hard.
    颓废已过, 孩子, 从新站起来吧, 你必须要很努力很努力的学习
  • But when you stand that close to them, it's sometimes hard not to paint you all with the same brush.
    你跟他们走得那么近, 要别人不把你们一视同仁也很难。
  • But I am diligent modestly, bear hardships and stand hard work, have the very good environment adaptiveness.
    但我谦虚好学, 吃苦耐劳, 有很好的环境适应能力。
  • Can bear hardships and stand hard work, accepts the ability to the newthing to be strong, has the social class arise suddenly the event theability.




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