• 单词发音:英 [ ˈhɑ:vist ˈsi:zən ] 美 [ ˈhɑrvɪst ˈsizən ]
  • 基本解释:收冬
  • harvest season 是什么意思及中文翻译:
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harvest season 相关例句更多>

  • Autumn is the harvest season.
  • Autumn is harvest season, I like!
  • Autumn is the good harvest season.
  • Growth during the harvest season, do not have some harvest.
    成长在收获的季节里, 别有一番收获。
  • This is the harvest season, a season brimming with hope for the future.
  • For others, it is a harvest season, while for me, it is an annoying season.
    这是一个收获的季节, 同时对于我, 是一个恼人的季节。
  • With the coming of the season for reaping wheat, the busy harvest season will start.
  • In the abundant harvest season of fall, lets us acclaim the fall persimmon together the delightful taste!
    在丰收的秋之季节中, 让我们一同来赞叹秋柿的甜美滋味!
  • In October of gold autumn, the harvest season, Shuguang Primary School held the annual sports meeting again.
    金秋十月, 收获时节, 曙光小学又迎来了一年一度的运动会。
  • At the arrival of each autumn's harvest season, the landowner would collect money from the farmers without restraint.
    每到秋收季节, 地主都要到农民家里大肆敛钱。




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