• 基本解释:正式官员
  • established official 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 常任官员
  • Electronic Satellite Tracking Program,电子卫星跟踪计划
  • Establish,建立;设立

established official 相关例句更多>

  • established as official ideology
  • It was unclear how the ministry established its size guidelines, and an official there to comment.
    目前还不清楚该标准从何而来, 一名官员拒绝对此发表评论。
  • Many kinds of official and nongovernmental organizations were established to prevent spies and traitors.
    为了防奸防谍, 建立了各种官方和民间组织。
  • To See the Influences on Customs Established by the Resultant of Official Force and Folk Force from the Rise and Decline of the Cold Food Festival
  • Although English was not the official language in America in the 20th century, any elate governments have established it as state state official language by law.




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