- 基本解释:weight and balance system 重量和平衡系统;without benefit of salvage 无救助利益;work breakdown structure 工作分解结构;工作细目结构
- wbs 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) weight and balance system 重量和平衡系统
- 缩写词(abbr.) without benefit of salvage 无救助利益
- 缩写词(abbr.) work breakdown structure 工作分解结构
- 缩写词(abbr.) 工作细目结构
- wbs 大小写变形: WbSWBSWBs
- WbS West by South 西偏南
- WBS [财]海难营救利益与保险公司无关
- WBs western blots 蛋白质印迹
- swbs southwest by south
- WBSF Water Basin Storage Facility 水池储存装置
- WBSI Western Behavioral Sciences Institute 西方行为科学学会
- WBST [医][=WB surface temperature]水暖毯表面温度
- WBSEB West Bengal State Electricity Board 孟加拉邦州电子部
wbs 相关例句更多>
- Please consider the grouping by WBS or by Activity Code.