• 单词发音:英 [ əˈlɒŋ wɪð ] 美 [ əˈlɔːŋ wɪð ]
  • 基本解释:和…一起[一道],随着;除…以外(还);以及;连同
  • along with 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 和…一起[一道],随着
  • 除…以外(还)
  • 以及
  • 连同

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  • He is hard to get along with if you dont agree with him.
  • Foam may be injected along with acid or in alternating slugs with acid.
  • Leaders don't force other people to go along with them. They bring them along.
  • Together with her play and seek, together with mutual help, along with each other.
    跟她一起玩, 捉迷藏, 一起互帮互助, 一起取长补短。
  • Along with the vast majority of Liverpool fans, we agree with your decision to withdraw.
    跟绝大多数的利物浦球迷一样, 我们并不反对你们的退出。
  • Get closer to books, and befriend with books, befriend with classics and travel along with knowledge.
    亲近书籍, 与书为伴, 与经典为友, 与博览同行。
  • Even the dogs that had run along with the crowd stood up on their hind legs and hopped along as well.
  • Promoting the Administering Struggle of Severe Attack with the Spirit of Advancing along with the Time
  • There is vacuolization and dissolution of epidermal cells along the basal layer, along with lymphocytes.
  • Humanity along with the slave race in particular was utilized to construct the matrixes along with nature.

along with的近反义词




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