• 基本解释:手臂弹簧
  • arm spring 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 杠杆弹簧
  • Armament Corporation,军械公司

arm spring 相关例句更多>

  • On the Arm of the Services in the Spring and Autumn period
  • Every spring the park is filled with lovers walking arm in arm.
  • Nights sleep without the severity spring, squash gold arm wrapped around woman.
    夜来春睡无轻重, 压扁佳人缠臂金。
  • The utility model is composed of a front swing arm, a torsion bar, a back swing arm, a coil spring, etc.
  • Under wrapping up in holding under the arm of commercialized spring tide, the literary creation moves towards fawning on customs gradually.
    在商业化大潮的裹挟之下, 文学创作逐渐走向媚俗。




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