• 单词发音:英 [ ˌðeəˈbaɪ ] 美 [ ˌðerˈbaɪ ]
  • 基本解释:由此,从而;在那附近
  • thereby 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 副词(adv.) 由此,从而
  • 副词(adv.) 在那附近

thereby 相关例句更多>

  • They thereby facilitated the accumulation of government debts.
  • Improve paper machine run ability, thereby increasing production rate.
  • Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace thereby good shall come unto thee.
  • The designer can select small port diameters and thereby achieve better loading fractions.
    设计人员可选择小的通道直径, 从而能得到较好的装填系数。
  • For the inner layer, avoid cotton as it absorbs moisture thereby keeping it close to your body.
    为内层, 避免棉花, 因为它吸收水分, 从而把它靠近你的身体。
  • The large interference is enough to solve this problem, and thereby improves machining accuracy.
  • The situation has a happy ending after all. You can work more and thereby accrue the extra money you need.
    情况最终会有圆满的结局, 你能多工作赚取所需的额外金钱。
  • Thereby, the correlation between acidic properties and catalytic properties of zeolites has been explored.
  • Still iron is made, iron is accumulated very easily to corrode by acerbity bedding face, lift coating thereby.
    还有铁制造的, 铁很轻易被酸大面积腐蚀, 从而把涂层掀起。
  • I abjure, curse and detest the abovementioned errors and heresies and in general, each and every other error thereby and cite contrary to the Holy Church.
    我发誓放弃, 诅咒并憎恶上述错误及异端邪说。




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