• 基本解释:anterior spinal artery syndrome 脊髓前动脉综合征;American Society of Agricultural Sciences 美国农业科学学会;American Society of Animal Science 美国动物学协会;American Society of Abdominal Surgery 美国腹部外科手术学会
  • ASAS 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) anterior spinal artery syndrome 脊髓前动脉综合征
  • 缩写词(abbr.) American Society of Agricultural Sciences 美国农业科学学会
  • 缩写词(abbr.) American Society of Animal Science 美国动物学协会
  • 缩写词(abbr.) American Society of Abdominal Surgery 美国腹部外科手术学会
  • ASAS 大小写变形: asas


  • asas [医][=american society of abdominal surgeons]美国腹部外科医师学会
  • Casas [地名] [墨西哥] 卡萨斯
  • Vasas 瓦萨
  • Asasa 阿萨
  • CASAS Commonwealth Association of Scientific Agricultural Societies 英联邦农业科学学会协会
  • Lampasas [地名] [美国] 兰帕瑟斯
  • Tiszasas 蒂绍绍什
  • Asasaburō Asasabur
  • Nyasasaurus 尼亚萨龙


ASAS 相关例句更多>

  • You can accomplish anything asas you set your heart on it.
  • Asas we have the ability to scrap metal recovery and processing.
    只要废金属我们都有能力回收, 处理。
  • All this could go on for asas firms accepted low returns on equity.
  • Hangzhou property debt accounts household debt ratio asas 90 percent.
  • But do not work asas possible on the weekend, accompany family on the weekend.
    但是周末尽量不工作, 周末陪家人。
  • However to prevent abuse he was allowed to bring back only 1.5 asas he brought.
  • Can also help you complete you can not find the products, asas accessories, Spot.
  • He promised to abstain from smoking, chewing and profanity asas he remained a member.
  • The hotel was,from all accounts, well run asas the comfort of the guests was concerned.
  • The hotel was, from all accounts, well run asas the comfort of the guests was concerned.
    据报道, 就宾客的舒适程度来说, 这家宾馆管理得很好。




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