• 单词发音:英 [ ədˈvaiz ɔv ] 美 [ ædˈvaɪz ʌv ]
  • 基本解释:向(某人)告知[提醒]某事
  • advise of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 向(某人)告知[提醒]某事

advise of 相关例句更多>

  • Also the netizen borrows machine advise of cloud giving a horse.
  • This week, we complete that series and repeat some advise of the advice.
  • We are studying your list of commodities and will advise of our present interest.
    我们正在研究你方得货单, 并将告知我方目前兴趣所在。
  • Speaking of of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect?
  • Speaking of of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect ?
    谈到付款方式, 能否告诉我, 你们这方面通常怎么做的?
  • Talking of mode of payment, can you advise mho of your regular practice In this respect
    谈到付款方式, 您能告诉我你方在这方面的通常作法吗?
  • Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect ?
    谈到付款方式, 能否告诉我, 你们这方面通常怎么做?
  • Speaking of mode of of ferment, can you advise me of owe general practice in the respect.
  • At last, give the several advise of taking precautions against information war to our country.
  • Inspectors of Apprentices of the Office advise and assist employers on training and employment of apprentices.




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