- 单词发音:英 [ əˈhed əv ] 美 [ əˈhed əv ]
- 基本解释:(时间、空间)在…前面;早于;领先
- ahead of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 介词(prep.) (时间、空间)在…前面
- 介词(prep.) 早于
- 介词(prep.) 领先
包含ahead of的短语更多>
ahead of 相关例句更多>
- Law Analysis of the Feature of Paying off loan ahead of Schedule
- According Credit should Go ahead of the Construction of Social Credit
- You want to be a little bit ahead of the competition, but not too far ahead.
- Plan ahead. Find out the menu ahead of and make healthy choices, before you go.
- Progress of Geology Forecasting ahead of Tunnel Face by means of Geophysical Technology
- to ask the information office at the airport for actual arrival time of the flight two hours ahead of the schedule.
- Sir Alex Ferguson is still hopeful of adding another midfielder to his squad ahead of the Premiership kickoff this weekend.
- Last year the British, with 17% of male and 20% of female adults obese, pulled ahead of the Germans to become Europe's fattest people.
- The goal of the first stage is to ensure that the people have adequate food and clothing, and this has been accomplished ahead of time.
第一步是达到温饱水平, 已经提前实现了。
- One pharmaceuticals industry analyst said that in the last week of December, sales of Tamiflu in the U.S. market had reached 77,000 prescriptions, just ahead of Relenza's 75,000.
ahead of的近反义词