• 基本解释:衰老了
  • aging out 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 成熟现象
  • 阿希斯

包含aging out的单词更多>

  • outraging 引起…的义愤,激怒( outrage的现在分词 )

aging out 相关例句更多>

  • So we've set out to look for genes that control aging.
  • An aging Romeo stepped out of the car, grey, pale and gone to seed.
    一位年长的罗密欧步出车来, 头发花白, 面色苍苍, 毫无魅力。
  • Get the lead out of gasoline and it comes at you through aging pipes.
  • When aging or attacked by free radicals, the mitochondrion will be out of activity.
  • The new steam out of brandy should be at least more than a year aging in oak barrels.
  • In a fine Keemun or Darjeeling, however, aging may bring out a mellow, pleasant characteristic.
    以细白或大吉岭, 但是, 老龄化可能带来了醇香, 宜人的特点。
  • Microhardness testing during aging treatment in high purity steel bearing copper was carried out.
  • The children who are at highest risk of aging out of foster care are those entering as teenagers.
  • He pointed out that in a few years the issue of an aging population in the Russian society will become more and more salient.
    他指出, 几年之后, 俄社会人口老年化问题将十分突出。
  • Preliminary Analysis of 318 Differentially Expressed Genes Screened out by cDNA Microarray of Aging Rat Model Treated by Acupunctured at Yongquan Point




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