• 基本解释:清醒着
  • awake with 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • v.,prep.(v.,prep.) 由于……而醒来
  • v.,prep.(v.,prep.) 从……中醒来

awake with 相关例句更多>

  • When I awake, I am still with you.
  • It is with me all the time, Whether I'm awake or asleep.
    它会一直跟着我 不管是我醒着 睡着。
  • I came awake with a start, unsure of where I was or even who.
  • With the wind moaning and the rain pattering, I lay awake all night.
  • An aftershock jolted me awake with the thud of collapsing buildings.
    我在一阵余震的晃动下醒来, 周围响起建筑物坍塌的声音。
  • Do you keep your bed partner awake with the jerking movements of your legs?
  • When we are awake, our sensations are constantly interfering with our thoughts.
  • Several hours later she heard her husband awake with his normal loud ass trumpeting.
    几个小时以后, 他听到她丈夫醒过来了, 象往常一样, 屁声大作。
  • Johnny lay for a long time awake with his head in his mothers lap, looking up at the stars.
    他把头枕靠在母亲腿上, 仰望星空, 一直没有睡着。
  • Objective To discuss nursing and reason for awake delirium after artificial abortion with general anesthesia.




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