• 单词发音:英 [ bæk daun ] 美 [ bæk daʊn ]
  • 基本解释:退让,退回去,撤销(要求等)
  • back down 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 退让,退回去,撤销(要求等)

包含back down的单词更多>

  • backdown 收回原来的声明[观点]

back down 相关例句更多>

  • Daddy told me his back go back down Hello.
    爸爸说他的背又不好使了 你好啊。
  • We go back down. It's going to go up and down.
  • So we safely sailed down back down to the Earth.
  • Well, I should probablyget back down to accounting.
  • I am proud to accept his instigation, his bag back down.
    我很骄傲地接受了他的指使, 把他的书包背了下来。
  • put them all back down again and they fit perfectly down there.
  • They followed the officer back down the boulevard and down a side street.
    他们跟随那个官员走过主街, 进入到一条侧道。
  • As they fell back down the valley, an army of refugees fell back before them.
    当他们沿着山谷撤退时, 他们前面有一大队难民正在溃逃。
  • She catches her breath and lies back down on the bed, her hand resting protectively on her abdomen.
    她吸了口气又躺了下来, 他的手保护性的放在腹部。
  • Then he went back down into the candy store after having first burned the bet sheet and flushed its ashes down the toilet bowl.

back down的近反义词




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