• 单词发音:英 [ lænd edʒ ] 美 [ lænd ɛdʒ ]
  • 基本解释:台肩棱边
  • land edge 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 台肩棱边

包含land edge的单词更多>

  • sedgeland 莎草地,苔草地(指高低水位之间的陆地)

land edge 相关例句更多>

  • The land at the edge of a river or stream is a bank.
  • There was a spit of dry land beyond the edge of the village.
  • The wandering clouds have gathered at the edge of the sky on yonder rise of the land.
  • This is a land of rich fertile valleys that reach up to touch the edge of wild moorland.
    这是一个土地富饶肥沃的山谷, 延伸到野生高沼地的边缘。
  • I would also like the border of the map the edge between the land and the sea more well defined.
    我也想在地图边界之间的土地, 更明确的海边。
  • Mt. HengXiaowutai, Mt. Guancen and the southern edge mountainous land of Inner Mongol Plateau upheaved gradually in the Tertiary Period.




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