• 基本解释:空间不足
  • insufficient space 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 空间不足

insufficient space 相关例句更多>

  • Insufficient disk space to insert missing data attribute.
  • There is insufficient space on the selected floppy drive.
  • There is insufficient space for enlargement of the buildings.
  • Please attach a separate sheet if space provided is insufficient.
    如本表不敷使用, 请另纸书写。
  • Cram to force, press, or squeeze into an insufficient space stuff.
    逼迫, 挤压或塞入不充足的空间塞满。
  • If the above space is insufficient, please attach a separate sheet.
    如空间不敷填写, 请另加纸详述。
  • Should there be insufficient space, please continue a separate sheet.
    若空位不敷应用, 请另加纸张填写。
  • Please make photocopy or attach a separate sheet if space is insufficient.
    若空位不足, 请使用复印或另加附张。
  • If there is insufficient space, please a separate sheet and attach it to the application form.
    如空位不敷填写, 请详列于附件同申请表格一起呈交。
  • If there is insufficient space, please give details on supplementary sheets or insert more between items.




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