• 基本解释:矩(时间)
  • Moment (time) 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 时刻
  • 重要地

Moment (time) 相关例句更多>

  • any day/ moment/ time now
    不日/ 随时/ 任何时候
  • Living one day at a time and enjoying one moment at a time.
    活在当下得每一天, 享受当下得每一刻。
  • I'm afraid I can't manage the time to see you at the moment.
  • Every time I dunk at will, I hope time would stop at this moment.
  • It was a tender moment, but at the same time, it was a sad moment.
  • Mort got us in at the right time and out at the absolute golden moment.
  • I saw the car coming straight towards me, and for a moment time stood still.
    我看见这辆车朝我直开过来, 一瞬间时间仿佛凝住了。
  • Hold a moment, look for the abyss of time, love to take photo and then take photo!
    把握瞬间, 寻觅永恒, 爱拍就拍吧!
  • The next field is a time stamp that defaults to the time at the moment the entry was recorded.
    接下来是时间戳, 默认为记录条目的时间。
  • Well I think that we should always call matter time matter or matter of time so that we never for a moment forget its essential temporality and essential changefulness.




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