• 基本解释:[电影]新年前夜;101次新年快乐
  • New Year's Eve 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [电影]新年前夜
  • 101次新年快乐
  • New Year's Eve 大小写变形: new year's eve

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New Year's Eve 相关例句更多>

  • The New Year is coming, and today is New Year's eve.
    新的一年就快要到了, 今天是除夕。
  • Are you coming to the new year's Eve party this year?
  • Wayne and Melissa were married on New Year's Eve that year.
  • Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, the year the last day of New Year.
    明天就是除夕夜了, 一年的最后一天, 辞旧迎新。
  • On Lunar New Year's Eve, we stay up all night to welcome the New Year.
    在农历新年除夕, 我们整晚熬夜迎接新年。
  • On New Year's eve, pillow to welcome the New Year's firecrackers asleep.
  • It was our custom to have New Year dinner on the evening of New Year's Eve.
  • On New Year's Eve, many people gather together to count down for the coming year.
    在除夕夜, 很多人聚在一起为新年倒数。
  • Sent to Scotland from the old traditional New Year's Eve to New Year, many traditional customs.
  • Almost everyone makes an occasion of New Year's Eve in order to see the old year out and welcome the new one.




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