• 单词发音:英 [ ˈindʒəri taim ] 美 [ ˈɪndʒəri taɪm ]
  • 基本解释:(足球)受伤延长赛时
  • injury time 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) (足球)受伤延长赛时

injury time 相关例句更多>

  • In addition, he has had a dreadful time with injury.
    并且, 他有了一段长得可怕的养伤期。
  • First half injury time, Roma captain Panucci field goal.
    上半时补时阶段, 罗马场上队长帕努奇首开纪录。
  • Injury time, Robben's shot saved by Casillas bottom line.
  • As for the game itself Cesc set up Iniesta's winner late in injury time.
  • In injury time the Cards had two excellent chances to take a deserved lead.
    伤停补时阶段沃金队又有两次绝佳的机会, 本应就此领先。
  • France then got a penalty in injury time and he held his nerve to put it away.
  • We have been in the departure, for example with loving person, with the injury, even with time
  • The French defender was forced off in injury time against Porto on Tuesday after picking up a hamstring problem.
  • Neville also took time out to hail Smiths courage following his horrific injury in the final stages of the match.
  • However, the time from the injury to admission to the definitive treatment center was a significant predictor of infection.
    然而, 自受伤至住院部治疗中心是感染的重要预测因子。




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