• 单词发音:英 [ mʌd stəun ] 美 [ mʌd ston ]
  • 基本解释:泥岩
  • mud stone 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 泥岩

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mud stone 相关例句更多>

  • to daub stone walls with mud
  • Let me see if the hillocks are made of stone of mud.
    这山丘是石山呢, 还是泥山呢?
  • People made mounds of stone, brush, or mud, in water.
  • A river as it flows may deposit earth, stone, mud, etc.
    河流能沉积泥土, 石头和泥等。
  • Apart from a new mosque, its buildings are made of mud, stone and thatch.
    除了一座新的清真寺, 这里的建筑都是泥, 石和茅草所成。
  • Experimental Study for the Physical Mechanical Behaviour of Mud Stone In One Open Pit Coal Mine




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