• 基本解释:儿童A
  • Kid A 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 一号复製人
  • 无用物
  • v.,adv.(v.,adv.) 轰走,赶走
  • v.,adv.(v.,adv.) 用脚踢或攻击

包含Kid A的单词更多>

Kid A 相关例句更多>

  • A kid, a murderer, a killer, an assassin.
  • No, a kid got trampled by a horse, Alex. Go.
  • I had a kid in a crib in my bedroom for a while.
  • We already have a blind kid and a wheelchair kid.
  • In my example, I was a kid, my mom let me learn a few accordion.
    以我个人为例, 我小时候, 我妈让我学习了几年手风琴。
  • How many adoption agencies are gonna give a kid to a professional killer?
  • We didn't need a baby bathtub when we could give our kid a bath in the kitchen sink.
    既然能把宝宝放在厨房水槽里洗澡, 我们就不需要婴儿澡盆。
  • And so far, I kind of admit, that this might feel like it's a message just to go out and play like a kid.
    至此,我承认这好像是 叫你们像个小孩那样去玩。
  • And it shall be a lamb without blemish, a male, of one year according to which rite also you shall take a kid.
  • As a little bitty kid competing in rodeo events, I made a little money and I thought, Wow, this is a lot better than having to get a real job.
    我一直知道我将骑公牛去谋生, 或者说希望我将会那么做。




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