• 单词发音:英 [ mju:ˈteɪʃən reit ] 美 [ mjuˈteʃən ret ]
  • 基本解释:突变率
  • mutation rate 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 突变率

mutation rate 相关例句更多>

  • gene mutation rate.
  • And, when I play god I can crank up the global mutation rate.
    而且, 当我扮演上帝时, 我能加快地球的突变率。
  • And below there, I show, in fact, the mutation rate in the environment.
    下面的 是环境里的突变率
  • From that, they were able to calculate a steady rate of mutation for most people.
  • According to the distinguished result, the algorithm adaptively sets the mutation rate.
    根据辨识结果, 自适应地设置变异概率。
  • As a result of the early gene bombardment from mitochondria, the mutation rate surely shot through the roof.




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