• 单词发音:英 [ ðeɪv ] 美 [ ðeɪv ]
  • 基本解释:they have 他们曾经
  • they've 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) they have 他们曾经

they've 相关例句更多>

  • They've eaten together. They've bled together.
  • They've built bridges, and they've walked across them.
  • In the many years they've been apart they've had no news of each other.
  • They've picked up a really nasty infection from something they've eaten.
  • They've changed us culturally, and I would argue that they've changed us cognitively.
    不仅在文化上 我觉得也在认知上
  • So they've got soccer, they've got basketball, they go sleep over at their friend's houses.
    所以她们可以去踢足球, 打篮球, 或者在朋友家留宿。
  • They've got to do something about these children because clearly they've gone off the rails.
  • So, here are these women they've seen their parents have struggled with diarrhea, they've struggled with diarrhea.
    所以这些妇女们见过父母 为痢疾所困扰 自己也患过痢疾
  • Because typically they've been too inefficient, inaccessible, they've not been fast enough, they've been quite expensive.
    因为它们不够高效 不容易利用 它们不够快 还有,成本太贵
  • Teachers should personally do what they've asked students to do, learn what they've asked students to learn, and follow regulations which they've asked students to follow.




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