• 单词发音:英 [ ˈθretən wið ] 美 [ ˈθrɛtn wɪð ]
  • 基本解释:用…威胁…
  • threaten with 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 用…威胁…

threaten with 相关例句更多>

  • threaten sb. with assassination
  • Don, t threaten me with love, baby.
    千万别用爱来威胁我, 亲爱的。
  • Threaten with pieces look for double attack.
    用棋力去威胁它, 寻找双重进攻。
  • I am afraid that he wont threaten me with death.
  • I am not afraid that he will threaten me with death.
  • To entice people with a sweeter carrot, or threaten them with a sharper stick.
    用红萝卜来吸引人 或是用棍子来威胁人
  • You think I'd threaten those tax fellas? That's bullshit. I was with me accountant.
  • You must not use, or threaten your workers with, physical punishment or any form of mental or verbal abuse.
  • He was summoned to hear a dozen officials threaten him with expulsion from his university for backing Mr Yan.
    出现了一些不满言论, 比如腐败, 国有企业私有化, 下岗工人。
  • The fiend in hell has once again conspired to threaten world peace, this time with the use of laser beam, which induces bolt and lightning.




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