• 单词发音:英 [ səkˈsi:d wið ] 美 [ səkˈsid wɪð ]
  • 基本解释:在…上获得成功
  • succeed with 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 在…上获得成功

succeed with 相关例句更多>

  • Succeed in accomplishing or handling, esp. With an effort
  • The build should succeed with no compiler errors or warnings.
    如果没有编译器错误或警告, 则生成应该成功。
  • Men prosper and succeed who work in accord with natural forces.
  • They were able to succeed with their friendship and brotherly love.
  • You would rather see the restaurant fail than succeed with Rick's idea.
    你宁愿看到饭店倒闭 也不愿以里克的主意取胜。
  • We can not succeed with only one step, or gain what we want with effort unmade.
  • teaching people how to do business so that, when they borrow money, they'll succeed with the business.
    教授如何经商 这样,他们贷款以后才会成功赚钱。
  • Logon authentications will succeed with these ports open between your clients and their domain controllers.
  • Know that God will be with you wherever you go and you will truly soar with the calling that God has given to you and you will succeed.
  • Mountain distant mountain behind the stone, accumulate with garrulous pen black law order chapped and succeed, simple and honest, remote.




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