• 单词发音:英 [ tiə ɔf ] 美 [ tɛr ɔf ]
  • 基本解释:匆匆地脱掉(衣服),匆匆地做;撕掉;揭
  • tear off 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 匆匆地脱掉(衣服),匆匆地做
  • 撕掉

tear off 相关例句更多>

  • To separate, cut, or tear off by avulsion.
    扯掉, 撕掉以撕脱的方式分离, 剪开或撕开
  • Demonstrators toss more dynamite, tear off the mob for now.
  • Tear off the dirty sheet on the roller when it can't sock dirt.
    若滚筒变脏, 不能再吸附污物时, 沿折痕撕掉受污层即可。
  • Please tear off the partial sample tape and take out the Bottles.
  • I will tear off a few hairs from your cunt and paste them on Boris chin.
    我会扯掉你下面几撮毛, 把它们粘在鲍里斯的下巴上。
  • Tear a page out of a book,a notice down from a wall,the leaves off a tree
  • Trip can oil bead the epidermis tear off and direct is at the skin surface.
    旅行时可将油珠表皮撕开, 直接涂于皮肤表面。
  • Now, who is going to pull out that gentleman's tendons and tear off his skin?
  • Now, who is going to pull out that gentleman's tendons and tear off his skin ?
    这位先生, 谁人去抽他得筋, 剥他得皮?
  • Just tear off the top of an individualuse foil packet, add water, swirl and rinse.




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