• 单词发音:英 [ ti: ru:m ] 美 [ ti rum ]
  • 基本解释:茶水间
  • tea room 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 茶水间
  • tea room 词态变化: 复数: tea rooms

包含tea room的单词更多>

tea room 相关例句更多>

  • Independent bar, tea room and so on l.
  • Room Attendant Security Guard Tea Server
  • Why would there be a secular tea room in the Heian era
  • the olde worlde atmosphere of the tea room with its log fire
  • I accompanied her to the tea room, a holding her from behind.
  • We always had the samovar outer room and she always poured out the tea.
    我们得茶炊总是放在第一间房里, 而且茶总是由她斟得。
  • The Rani's aunt sat in a corner of the room, drinking tea disapprovingly.
  • Tea room is usually no windows, dark lighting, the atmosphere of silence Su.
    茶室内通常不设窗户, 灯光幽暗, 气氛肃寂。
  • The sitting room in the bedroom puts sofa and tea table only, TV ark is dispensable.
    居室中客厅只摆放沙发与茶几, 电视柜则可有可无。
  • While he was waiting for her boyfriend in the tea room, a sweet melody filled her with ecstasy.
    她在茶座里等男朋友时, 一种美妙的旋律使他出神入迷。




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