• 单词发音:英 [ ˈstɑ:tiŋ pei ] 美 [ ˈstɑrtɪŋ pe ]
  • 基本解释:任职首次薪金
  • starting pay 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 任职首次薪金

starting pay 相关例句更多>

  • Yes, Susan and Carlos were starting to pay attention to one another.
    没错,苏珊和卡洛斯 开始彼此关注。
  • Salary freezes, pay cuts and lower starting pay became the norm in 2007.
    薪酬冻结 接受降薪和更低得起薪在2009年成为了常态。
  • Salary freezes, pay cuts and lower starting pay became the norm in 2009.
    薪酬冻结 接受降薪和更低的起薪在2009年成为了常态。
  • Increasing in starting pay are also a sign of demand for business and technical majors.
  • Junior English Conversation course fees starting from 1,500 yuan to pay the commitment by the participants.




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