• 单词发音:英 [ wɪəd aut ]
  • 基本解释:使感到纳闷
  • weird out 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 使感到纳闷
  • 使人感到纳闷
  • 不自在

weird out 相关例句更多>

  • Her weird hairdo really bummed her boyfriend out.
  • Which is weird, because the data doesn't bear that out.
  • Thats weird, that rope comes out of a hydra neck I cant even reach it!
    真怪异, 绳子由蛇怪的脖子里出来?我够不着!
  • It was kind of a weird match. I couldn't really comfortable out there.
  • As she is a little weird body, the body of the story unfolds completely out.
    由于她是稍微侧着身子, 身体曲线完全地展露出来了。
  • Its weird how when youre out in the wilderness daft things can make you laugh.
  • Look, Carlos, Mike found out we were spending time together, and he's a little weird about it.
    卡洛斯, 麦克看见我们昨晚一起了, 他有点起疑。
  • It is kind of weird to be resting based on the cycle of the day, rather than waiting until we run out of spells.




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