• 单词发音:英 [ weə(r) aʊt ] 美 [ wer aʊt ]
  • 基本解释:用坏;穿破;(使)筋疲力尽;耗尽
  • wear out 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 用坏
  • 穿破
  • (使)筋疲力尽
  • 耗尽

包含wear out的单词更多>

  • outwear 比…经久,使筋疲力尽,用旧
  • wearout [电] 破损
  • outweary 使筋疲力尽
  • outwears 比…经久,使筋疲力尽,用旧( outwear的第三人称单数 )
  • outerwear (总称)外衣,外套
  • outwearing 比…经久,使筋疲力尽,用旧( outwear的现在分词 )
  • outwearies 使筋疲力尽(outweary的第三人称单数形式)
  • outwearied 使筋疲力尽( outweary的过去式和过去分词 )
  • outwearying 使筋疲力尽( outweary的现在分词 )

包含wear out的短语更多>

wear out 相关例句更多>

  • A cloth like this will wear out.
  • Better to wear out than to rush out.
  • to wear out to exhaust to tucker out.
  • Something inside is beginning to wear out.
  • You wear out your horn before your brakes.
  • A ballet dancer may wear out four pairs of shoes in a single performance.
    在一场演出中, 一个芭蕾舞演员也许会磨穿四双鞋。
  • So it goes without saying that parts of the braking system will wear out.
    所以不用说, 部分制动系统将穿破了。
  • Under millions of feet, ancient stones wear out, ancient floors break down.
    在千百万人的践踏下, 古代的砖石在磨损, 石代的地面在坍塌。
  • A like every day makes a clout on Sunday. If you always wear your best clothes they will soon wear out.
    平时穿衣无好歹, 假日出门无新衣。
  • What concerned Kenney was a critical lack of both aircraft and crews, and those that he had were beginning to wear out.

wear out的近反义词




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