• 基本解释:透明的
  • transparent put 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 透明写:把不同颜色、形状的位图置于多色背景上的图像效果

transparent put 相关例句更多>

  • Put some food in a transparent box and watch how a cockroach eats.
    在一个透明盒里放进一些食物, 观察蟑螂如何进食。
  • I put the transparent document bag with counterclaim in it on the table intentionally.
  • Look, the reason why I put all the data online with all of the detailed computation is so that we can have, an open and transparent.
    看,我把数据放到网上 带着计算的细节 我们可以公开透明




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