• 单词发音:英 [ vent ] 美 [ vent ]
  • 基本解释:[人名] 文特;[地名] [奥地利] 芬特
  • Vent 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [人名] 文特
  • [地名] [奥地利] 芬特
  • Vent 大小写变形: ventVENT


  • vent 通风孔
  • VENT ventilation 通风
  • prevent 阻碍
  • venture 冒险(事业)
  • adventure 冒险
  • eventuate 结果,归结
  • ventilate 使通风
  • circumvent 围绕,包围
  • venturimeter [医]〔G. B. Venturi,意大利物理学家,1746~1822〕Venturi流量计:一种测定血管中血液等液体流量的仪器,根据液体流经管子收缩部位与非收缩部位间压力差别而推得


Vent 相关例句更多>

  • yoke vent, yoke vent pipe.
  • AC duct and vent duct structure of WH Deck.
  • It is time to close the drum air vent and superheater air vent.
  • Open vent needle valve and bleed air from hose. Then close vent valve.
    开启排气针形阀, 并从软管排放空气。然后关闭排气阀。
  • Open vent needle valve fully until dripping from vent connection stops.
  • When the volume and between vent, oil and gas air mixture interlinked from vent discharge.
    当齿间容积与排气口相通时, 油气混合空气从排气口排出。
  • Vent the air gap and drain line from the relief valve in accordance with code requirements.
    按照规程的要求, 排出安全阀气隙和排放管道的空气。
  • Visually inspect vent to ensure that vent goes to full open position when the pressure is at zero.
    目测检查排气口以确保当压力为零时, 排气处于全开位置。
  • Conventional vent lines are removed and replaced with a vent loop of high strength polymer textile braids.
  • Connect hoses, vent meter and read pressure differential in accordance with instructions furnished with meter.
    连接软管, 排放仪器气体, 按照仪器配置的说明书读出压差值。




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