- 基本解释:grid plate capacitance 栅极板极电容(科技符号);choline glycerophosphatide 胆碱甘油磷脂;chorionic growth hormone prolactin 绒(毛)膜生长荷尔蒙泌乳刺激素;circulating granulocyte pool 循环粒细胞池
- cgp 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) grid plate capacitance 栅极板极电容(科技符号)
- 缩写词(abbr.) choline glycerophosphatide 胆碱甘油磷脂
- 缩写词(abbr.) chorionic growth hormone prolactin 绒(毛)膜生长荷尔蒙泌乳刺激素
- 缩写词(abbr.) circulating granulocyte pool 循环粒细胞池
- cgp 大小写变形: CGP
- CGP Chemical Ground Pulp 化学细磨纸浆
- CGPM Conference Generale des Poids et Mesures <法>国际度量衡会议
- CGPN Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae 银河行星星云的目录
- CGPP Comparative Guidance Placement Program 比较引导替换程序
- CGPS Canadian Government Purchasing System 加拿大政府采购系统
- MRCGP Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners 皇家普通开业医师学会会员
- CGPSq Cartographic and Geodetic Processing Squadron 制图与大地测量工作队
- NZCGP New Zealand College of General Practitioners 新西兰普通从业者大学