• 基本解释:[医][=carotid sinus sensitivity]颈动脉窦敏感性
  • csh 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [医][=carotid sinus sensitivity]颈动脉窦敏感性
  • csh 大小写变形: CsHCSH


  • CSH chronic subdural hematoma 慢性硬膜下血肿
  • CsH cyclosporin H 环孢菌素H,环孢子菌素H
  • icsh International Committee for Standardization in Hematology 国际血液标准化委员会
  • ACSH [医][=American Council on Science and Health]美国科学与健康委员会
  • MCSH Manhattan College of the Sacred Heart 曼哈顿圣心学院
  • ACSh aortocoronary shunting 主动脉冠状动脉分流术
  • hcsht high-carbon steel heat treated 热处理高碳钢
  • HCSHT high-carbon steel, heat-treated 热处理高碳钢
  • McSherry [人名] [爱尔兰姓氏] 麦克谢里 McSharry的变体

csh 相关例句更多>

  • CSH Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. U. S. A.
  • One more word is that setenv is for csh, in bash, use export FCifort, F90ifort.
    还看到王石的采访, 再看到潘石屹的博文!
  • The binding mechanism between CSH and the inorganic composition or organic composition is reviewed, too.




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