• 单词发音:英 [ 'tɒpɪŋz ] 美 [ 'tɒpɪŋz ]
  • 基本解释:配品,浇料,装饰( topping的名词复数 )
  • toppings 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 配品,浇料,装饰( topping的名词复数 )

toppings 相关例句更多>

  • A dessert of sliced fruit, ice cream, and toppings.
  • Chemical toppings are added, and the assembly goes into an oven.
    加人化学配品后, 将组合物送进烤箱。
  • For the moment, assume that all the toppings have the same price.
  • When the form appears, select some toppings and click the button.
    当窗体出现时, 选择一些浇头并单击按钮。
  • Toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice is called chirashisushi.
  • Fresh water generallyhun su with a variety of toppings to cover the main cast.
    食时一般浇配各种荤素浇头, 以盖浇为主。
  • Roll your dough on parchment paper, add toppings and lift it all onto the tile.
  • Spoon on the tomato sauce, sprinkle with cheese and place your desired toppings on the pizza.
    用汤匙把番茄酱平均搽上, 撒上芝士, 再撒上其他配料。
  • If you aren't crazy about mangos, you can choose other toppings such as strawberries or red beans.
  • Place the tile on the bottom rack in the oven, and preheat your oven while you make your dough and assemble the toppings.
    准备好所需配料, 并在做生面团之前把烤炉加热。




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