- 基本解释:trusting(信任的,相信的)的比较级形式
- more trusting 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- trusting(信任的,相信的)的比较级形式
more trusting 相关例句更多>
- I'm more cautious and less trusting than I was before.
我比以前小心了, 不象过去那样相信别人了。
- they are more consensual, more trusting of organisations, of businesses.
他们更具有共识, 更加信任组织和企业。
- Says Jackson, ' If you keep trusting people more and more, they get into it.'
- When leaders are more open and trusting, followers are more open and responsive.
带领者愈开放宽容以信任待人, 跟随者愈宽容与听从。