• 基本解释:sales point information computing equipment 销售点信息计算设备;simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis 集成电路专用模拟程序;smallpox inhibitor of complement enzymes 补体酶的天花抑制剂;Scientific Personal Interactive Computing Environment 科学的私人交互式计算机环境
  • SPICE 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) sales point information computing equipment 销售点信息计算设备
  • 缩写词(abbr.) simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis 集成电路专用模拟程序
  • 缩写词(abbr.) smallpox inhibitor of complement enzymes 补体酶的天花抑制剂
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Scientific Personal Interactive Computing Environment 科学的私人交互式计算机环境
  • SPICE 大小写变形: spiceSpice


  • spice 香料,调味品
  • Spice [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 斯派斯 Spicer的变体
  • Spicer [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 斯派塞职业名称,调味品销售者,来源于中世纪英语及拉丁语,含义是“调味品”(spice)
  • spices 香料( spice的名词复数 )
  • auspice 预兆
  • hospice (宗教团体开办的)旅客招待所
  • allspice 多香果,多香果粉(一种香料)
  • hospices (宗教团体开办的)旅客招待所( hospice的名词复数 )
  • spiceries 香料,药料,香味( spicery的名词复数 )


SPICE 相关例句更多>

  • It may add some spice to life.
  • Please add more spice to the cake.
  • Add a cinnamon stick and cloves for a bit of spice.
  • We need an exciting trip to add some spice to our lives.
  • An acre yields only a few pounds of the worlds most costly spice.
    这是世界上最昂贵的香料, 一英亩的产量仅为几磅。
  • Just one accidental deletion and a couple of hacks added a bit of spice and drama.
  • Layers of rich dark plum and cherry, heady spice and perfumed f loral notes abound.
    层层叠叠的李子和樱桃的香味, 充满花香并带有一丝辛辣。
  • We want to buy Saffrons, Spices and Seasonings, Saffron, Spice Saffrons, Saffron, Spice.
    我们要采购香料和调味料, 藏红花, 香料。
  • Enter a computer program called SPICE, developed at the University of California, Berkeley, in the 1970s.
  • SPICE allowed engineers to analyze their electronic circuits and predict, more or less accurately, how they would work before they were actually built.




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