- 单词发音:英 [ səkˈses ] 美 [ səkˈses ]
- 基本解释:[地名] [加拿大、美国、特立尼达和多巴哥] 萨克塞斯
- Success 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- [地名] [加拿大、美国、特立尼达和多巴哥] 萨克塞斯
- Success 大小写变形: success
Success 相关例句更多>
- Success is joy and freedom and friend sheep And success is love!
成功是喜悦, 自由和友情, 成功是爱!
- Business success does not automatically lead to financial success.
- Secondly, large The success is the success of countless small accumulation.
- First, the success of dramas, the text should be attributed to its success.
- Success try to associate with success, failure try to leap forward to the top.
成功者想办法和其他成功者为伍, 失败者据攀高峰。
- The success or failure of the main force determines the success or failure of the whole battle.
- Please accept my sincerely congratulations on your success. I hope letters reporting greater success arrive thick and fast!
- People involved with Blair Witch realize that the amazing success of this film does not ensure a similar success in the future.
- It is problematic to make supporting, Yu demands to make a success of asking that makes a success of answering for dialogue to want.
对话要有问题作支撑, 喻教育思想要求善问善答。
- What I desire in the day, pray for in the evening, dream in the night, and long for in the early morning is only the success of love. That is success in life.