• 基本解释:Saturation Work—Incentive Model 饱和工作——激励模式;semiconductor workbench for integrated modeling 半导体综合建模[模型设计]工作台;sperm-washing insemination method 冲洗精子授精法;source water impact model 水资源影响模型
  • SWIM 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Saturation Work—Incentive Model 饱和工作——激励模式
  • 缩写词(abbr.) semiconductor workbench for integrated modeling 半导体综合建模[模型设计]工作台
  • 缩写词(abbr.) sperm-washing insemination method 冲洗精子授精法
  • 缩写词(abbr.) source water impact model 水资源影响模型
  • SWIM 大小写变形: swim



SWIM 相关例句更多>

  • I swim a mile a day.
  • On a hot day, a cool swim is a joy.
  • Beats a drum I meet,but hits is not good 3,you swim swim
    打鼓我会一点,但打得不好3,你游泳游得好 吗
  • I must swim and swim, or the pond will freeze around me.
  • Some of the lorries swim out to the ships and swim back.
    有些卡车涉水驶到船旁, 然后又涉水驶回来。
  • I love to swim so much that as an adult, I swim with a coach.
    我对游泳的喜爱 让我在成年之后还找了一个游泳教练
  • The river cluster of small white sticky goose down in a row, cheerful swim to swim.
  • Large integrated teak swim platform with adjacent swim and rinse hot and cold shower.
  • Birds can fly. He couldnt swim, but when the ship sank, he was able to swim to the bank.
    他不能游泳, 但是当船沉的时候, 他能够游到岸边。
  • A fish swim so light, swim into the heart of the hedgehog, broken the dream of the aquatic.




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