• 基本解释:anterior cerebral arteries 大脑前动脉;adrenocortical adenomas 肾上腺皮质腺瘤;anterior ciliary arteries 睫前动脉;aliphatic carboxylic acids 脂肪族羧酸
  • ACAs 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) anterior cerebral arteries 大脑前动脉
  • 缩写词(abbr.) adrenocortical adenomas 肾上腺皮质腺瘤
  • 缩写词(abbr.) anterior ciliary arteries 睫前动脉
  • 缩写词(abbr.) aliphatic carboxylic acids 脂肪族羧酸
  • ACAs 大小写变形: AcasACAS


  • ACAS (英国)咨询调解和仲裁局
  • Acas [地名] [秘鲁] 阿卡斯
  • PACAS Pacaraima Mountains Forming the Brazil-Guyana and Brazil-Venezuela borders 现时清醒心理摘录服务中心
  • pacas 无尾刺豚鼠( paca的名词复数 )
  • fracas 大声吵架
  • FRACAS Filter Response Analysis for Continuously Accelerating Spacecraft 连续加速航天器滤波器响应分析
  • caracas 加拉加斯(委内瑞拉首都)
  • Guanacastes Guanacaste Mountains of northwestern Costa Rica (Cordillera de Guanacaste) 瓜纳卡斯特山脉(哥斯达黎加西北部)
  • antimacassar 椅子罩子

ACAs 相关例句更多>

  • The ACAS is a two dimensional gaussian plume segment model.
  • The cavity of ACAs in the vertical recti was larger and easier to dissect than those in the horizontal recti.




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