• 基本解释:正文消息( text message的名词复数 )
  • text messages 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 正文消息( text message的名词复数 )

text messages 相关例句更多>

  • Support for mixed binary and text messages.
  • Stepping aside Kite text messages Pine Sage.
  • Replying to text messages while driving is also really amazing.
  • I really text messages to his father Joe and he would not blame you
    我真的给丈爸爸发短信了, 他会不会怪你呢
  • You can create your own avatar here and use it to send text messages.
    您可以创建自己的人物在这里, 并用它来发送短信。
  • Now you can also send text messages and even video and audio messages.
  • You can create your own avatar and use it to send customized text messages.
    您可以创建自己的替身, 并用它来发送定制短信。
  • but text messages about being bullied, text messages about being addicted to pot.
    而是关于被霸凌 或者是关于大麻上瘾
  • Twice after our meetings he has sent me text messages, apologising for sounding grumpy.
    我们见过两次面后, 他给我发短信, 为暴躁的说话方式道歉。
  • Lo and behold, the next day people on her phones contact list began receiving text messages from her phone.




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