• 基本解释:歌剧院, (尤指乡间的)剧场;歌剧院,(尤指乡间的)剧场( opera house的名词复数 )
  • opera houses 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 歌剧院, (尤指乡间的)剧场
  • 名词(n.) 歌剧院,(尤指乡间的)剧场( opera house的名词复数 )

opera houses 相关例句更多>

  • He introduced the singer to the opera houses of Europe and the world.
  • Some of the countrys dowager opera houses have been refitted with modish new finery.
  • The cinemas'problem is the opposite of that faced by art galleries, theatres and opera houses.
    影院的问题和艺廊, 剧院以及歌剧院所面对的问题相反。
  • People in the audience in these opera houses, when they were built, they used to yell out to one another.
    在歌剧院建成的时期 里面的听众常常互相嚷嚷




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